Patricia Mechan — YRD

Patricia Mechan

Guldmann Inc., , United States

Patricia Mechan, PT MPH Patti Mechan is a physical therapist with over twenty- five years’ experience across a variety of health care organizations including acute and post acute care, rehabilitation and ambulatory care. Patti has experience as a bedside clinician, a clinical instructor for students, a team leader, a supervisor, an educator, and an administrative department director. She holds a Masters degree in Public Health and is an adjunct faculty member at Simmons College in Boston. Patti currently serves as the Consulting, Education and Clinical Services Manager for Guldmann’s CareLift Management division, assisting organizations with implementation of patient handling technology, education, and creating comprehensive programs for safe patient handling. Current safe patient handling work includes frequent presenter at key lifting and handling conferences; task force member with the VISN 8 Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, creating the Orthopedic Algorithms for patient handling; author for safe patient handling and movement textbooks and publications; course co-author; and conference organizer.