Moving, lifting and handling the passive patient in bed — YRD

Moving, lifting and handling the passive patient in bed (407)

Peter Maindal 1
  1. Vendlet ApS, Aabenraa, Denmark

The workshop will focus on the moving, lifting and handling procedures in bed. I will look af the situations with patients who have no or very little ability to assist during the procedures which in return frequently creates difficult situations for carer as well as for the patient.

However if you work with the proper equipment these situations are all of a sudden not that difficult and the carer will be able to perform professional procedures/care and the patient will not experience the same pain/uncomfort during the procedures. You can actually create a situation where the patient feels more dignified and the carers experience great improvement in their work environment and thus creating a win win situation instead.

I will with this workshop give you some examples of how easily it can be done:
• Turning the patient to a stable/safe lateral position to perform eg. lower hygiene.
• Easy repositioning methods varying from 135 degrees to a slightly reclined lateral position on wards to a 30 degrees position and onwards to a supine position.
• Reposition the patient back up in the bed after sliding down to the foot end of the bed.
• Applying a sling and lifting the patient out of bed into a wheelchair. Followed by the reversed procedure back into bed.

After each demonstration we split up into groups and try the proposed procedures.

This is a workshop that requires active participation from participants. Participants are encouraged to share experiences, good as well as bad, in the dialogue and work with the cases.

  • Please see document attached:
  • Please see this presentation attached: