Demystifying the complexities of communicating with the bariatric client — YRD

Demystifying the complexities of communicating with the bariatric client (383)

Janet Hope 1
  1. AusBIG, Donvale, Vic, Australia

Aim: The aim of this workshop is to improve the health care professional's communication with bariatric clients through providing insightfulness into their complex lives. This enhanced communication will result in improved client compliance with their medical management.
After completing this workshop the attendee will:
1. show sensitivity to their bariatric client when assessing /interviewing
2. identify opportunities to build rapport with their bariatric patient
3. demonstrate an understanding of their bariatric client's situation to gain their confidence
4. recognise that the change in communication improves compliance in their bariatric client

The workshop will delve into the 'the good, the bad and the ugly' ways used to communicate with the bariatric client. The attendees will learn how to identify the blocks preventing the client's compliance.

This interactive workshop will use a role play exercise to provide attendees with an appreciation of the bariatric clients situation and discover how to make good connections and build rapport.
The attendees will have several opportunities to share their experiences through discussion.
There will be opportunities, in role plays, to practice communicating with bariatric clients with compassion and a psychological understanding, creating calm & compliance.
Conclusion: The attendees will be sensitive and understanding of the bariatric client's predicament. This will reflect in their communication with the client resulting in the client feeling understood and valued, thus becoming open and more compliant to their medical management .

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